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Sophia-Marie aka Soma is the driving force and initiator of numerous projects. After a decade in the photography industry and dramatic experiences with her health, she found her purpose in creating comprehensive transformation spaces for wellness, experiences and retreats, both digital and physical.

As an empathetic process facilitator, she delves into depth with her clients while she creates awareness as a passionate speaker. Her voice allows her soul to unfold as a singer, she developed her eye for detail with her photographs and as an artist she promotes her mindful connection with her inner child.

At the same time, she is working on her book, which captures her insights and passions for deeper understanding.

One of her current wishes is to travel with a van to bring and anchor her work, energy and light to different places in Europe, to visit you.



Sophia-Marie Beck (Soma for short) was born on May 12, 1998 in Oberndorf near Salzburg in Austria. After moving to Berlin in 2016 at the age of 18, where she worked as a freelance photographer and achieved her goals in the first year, including publication in renowned magazines worldwide, a phase of burnout and depression followed. Despite psychotherapy, she found it difficult to change her unhealthy work behavior.


It wasn't until early 2020, when her immune system attacked her body, she had paralysis in her hands and she was faced with the challenges of her illness, that she began to understand the deeper connections and seriousness of her behavior. Her doctor's "hopeless" prognosis drove her to question the traditional health care system and rethink her actions. This experience led to a deep understanding of cause-based transformation work, holistic health and what it means to be connected and in harmony with (one's) nature. Through this partly accompanied self-exploration, she found her meaning and calling.


Today, Soma wants to encourage people to recognize triggers and symptoms as an invitation to follow inner guidance and uncover their full potential. In their collected findings, one of them receives particular weight:

Our challenges, symptoms and triggers carry a valuable treasure & keys within itself, which can only be revealed if we allow ourselves to delve into the causes of the issues in order to transform them holistically & integrate.


Requests for interviews, workshops & Lectures

I really enjoy talking about topics such as root cause research, holistic everyday life, expanding consciousness & Freedom. 

For inquiries for online & offline events, please give me as much information as you already have.

Thank you for the invitation and request! I am very pleased that you would like me to be part of your event. I ask for your understanding that my feedback may take some time.
Until then... All the best,

Individuell buchen


Why all of this?


My motivation comes from my experiences of helplessness, overwhelm and darkness. In moments when my world turned upside down overnight and I was at my wits' end, I found the drive to change.



Instead of looking for external solutions, I explored within myself.

These insights and experiences that I never thought possible before I experienced them are what drive me today.



When I see people who, like me, look for solutions on the outside, I want to show that change often starts on the inside.



The holistic transformation work aims to recognize and change internal limitations. People should explore their inner world and change sustainably.



My own journey showed me that my lifestyle based on limiting beliefs and self-worth led me to symptoms in order to recognize and develop my potential. This gave me back self-empowerment and self-responsibility.



I want to show people a way to live in ease and harmony, regardless of external circumstances, by recognizing their blind spots, exploring the inner world and embodying their life's purpose.


Are you ready for 1:1 work, group workshops or our online offering?

Then take a look here!


I founded this organization to make people's lives easier by showing them new perspectives and guiding them toward their own self-empowerment.

Through my own experience, I have realized that it is crucial to question the triggers, predictions and symptoms and to recognize and understand the messages behind our hurdles and difficulties. If I hadn't set out on this path, I probably would never have found my own authentic power and holistic meaning for my life.

Sustainable cause-based transformational work reveals valuable treasures and keys from our challenges, symptoms and triggers. 

©2024 Sophia Marie Beck

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